S. Ejaz Ahmed (Canada)
Simultaneous Estimation and Testing of Several Cronbach's Alpha
T.W. Anderson (USA)
Linear Functional Relationships with Repeated Observations
Ravindra B. Bapat (Índia) – ILAS Speaker
Determinant and Inverse of the Distance Matrix of a Tree
Adi Ben-Israel (USA)
Probabilistic Distance Clustering
Carlos Braumann (Portugal)
Stochastic Differential Equation Models for Population Growth and for Individual Growth in Randomly Varying Environments
Tadeusz Caliński (Poland)
On the Application of Affine Resolvable Designs to
Variety Trials
Charles R. Johnson (USA)
Why is So Much "Eventually" True
Sat Gupta (USA)
Two Stage Optional RRT Models
Lynn R. LaMotte (USA)
Properties of Families of Probability Distributions over Finite Parameter
and Sample Spaces via Linear Algebra
Thomas Mathew (USA)
Comparison of Meta-Analysis Using Literature and Using
Individual-Study Dat
Stanisław Mejza (Poland)
Incomplete Split-Plot Designs: Perspectives and Challenges
Augustyn Markiewicz (Poland)
On Recent Development in Admissible and Linearly
Sufficient Estimation in Linear Models
Ingram Olkin (USA)
Probabilistic Proofs of Matrix Inequalities
Michael D. Perlman (USA)
A SINful Approach to Gaussian Graphical Model
Dinis Pestana (Portugal)
Optimal and Quasi Optimal Designs
Dietrich von Rosen (Sweden)
Estimation in Multivariate Linear Models with
Kronecker Product Covariance Structure
Alastair J. Scott (New Zealand)
Testing Homogeneity with Survey Data
Muni S. Srivastava (Canada)
Testing the equality of several covariance matrices with fewer observations than the dimension
George P.H. Styan (Canada)
Some Comments on the Magic Card Puzzle, Illustrated With Images of Playing Cards and Postage Stamps
Götz Trenkler (Germany)
Column Space Equalities for Orthogonal Projectors
Júlia Volaufová (USA)
Heteroscedastic ANOVA - Old Solutions, New
Douglas P. Wiens (Canada)
Robust Discrimination Design
Roman Zmyślony (Poland)
Jordan Algebras and applications to the mixed linear models